How To Tell The Good And Bad About Ghost Car Immobiliser

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How To Tell The Good And Bad About Ghost Car Immobiliser

Protect Your Car From Theft With An Autowatch Ghost Immobiliser

Autowatch ghost immobilisers can protect your vehicle from theft. These security devices for cars are not only for automobiles, they can also be installed on motorhomes, caravans, bikes, plant machinery, and even ride on lawnmowers.

They include systems that prevent signal jamming, device spoofing, and key cloning - all of which are common techniques used by criminals. So, why do people choose to include this technology in their vehicles?

Additional Security

A car ghost immobiliser is a device that connects directly to your vehicle's ECU unit. It is silent and doesn't transmit radio signals. Therefore, a thief won't notice it. The device is small, and can be concealed and communicates with the vehicle's ECU to stop the engine from starting without a specific PIN code. This can be accomplished using the electronic buttons on your steering wheel or via a smartphone application or a pattern you set yourself. This makes it difficult for thieves to know if you have used your pin code.

The immobiliser also features an obstructive design that stops it from being removed or damaged. This is crucial for anyone who wants to ensure their vehicle is safe for resales, or to protect it from damage while they're driving.

ghost immobiliser near me  can also be disconnected without harming the battery of your car or its electronics. It can be fitted to any vehicle, and does not affect the warranty of your car. It's a cost-effective solution that provides peace of mind.

Ghost immobilisers have the advantage of preventing thieves from changing the ECU or adding new key fobs to start your vehicle. It's a simple and efficient solution to prevent stolen vehicles, as it ensures that only you are able to start your car by entering your pin code.

The Ghost immobiliser features valet mode that allows you to temporarily disable the device while you give your car over to valet parking. The device will automatically reactivate when you enter the correct pin code. It's the perfect way to take pleasure in your favourite vehicle knowing that it's in good hands.

Protect Your Resale Value

A ghost immobiliser provides an additional layer of security for your vehicle that stops theft and also protects the price of resale. It uses buttons on your steering wheel, the centre console or doors to create an unique pin code you have to enter before you can start your car, just like a credit card, but more secure because it can have up to 20 characters!

The technology behind this top-of-the-line security system for aftermarket makes it nearly impossible for thieves to evade it. It communicates with ECU via the Controller Area Network network (CAN) which makes it invisible to car thieves who aren't acquainted with the most recent technology. In fact, it's among one of the most reliable and trusted vehicle security devices in the world.

Once it is installed The device can detect vibrations on or near your car, any contact with it, damages to the vehicle, and attempts to start the engine. All of this data is transmitted directly to your smartphone. This lets you monitor your car's security from anywhere, at any time.

It can also warn you of any alteration that may be happening to your vehicle, for example the cutting of wires and signals being intercepted and manipulated by someone trying to hack into your vehicle's communication system. This allows you to take action swiftly before it's too late.

A ghost immobiliser can protect not only your car's pride and joy from car thieves but also the resale value. When luxury vehicles are stolen by thieves, they could become difficult to sell. This could result in a massive loss in both the money you've invested into your vehicle as well as the value of your home. Ghost immobilisers can aid in protecting your resale value and keep your car secure for you and your family.

Installing a ghost immobiliser will allow you to drive your vehicle only. The PIN sequence that is generated is unique to you and will be simple for you to remember, yet impossible for anyone else to guess. Your engineer will also provide you with a PIN code override in the event that you forget the sequence.

Peace of Mind

In today's digital world, it is important to safeguard your possessions. Installing a ghost-immobiliser for your car is among the most effective ways to protect your vehicle. It will stop the engine from starting without the proper pin code. The technology behind this device is advanced, meaning it cannot be bypassed similarly to standard immobilisers, and can even detect any vibrations or damage to your vehicle.

The immobiliser ghost is connected to the vehicle's existing interface, such as the steering wheel, the centre console, or door cards and generates an individual pin code that has to be entered to start the engine. It then connects to the key fob you have already, and the system can recognise if someone else is trying to start your car with an alternative key or fob. It will then send an emergency PIN code over to the owner using your smartphone, and the owner of the vehicle will be able to arm or dearm the device using their mobile phone, making it impossible for anyone to get away with your car.

This method of protection differs from the traditional immobilisers. The fact that thieves will require your pin code to take off with your vehicle, makes them think twice before attempting to take it. The thieves will be aware of the ghost immobiliser and won't be able to bypass it, so they'll give up trying to steal or damage your vehicle.

Ghost immobilisers are an excellent alternative for anyone looking to add an additional layer of security for their vehicle, and they can be activated easily should you need to take your vehicle to the garage for servicing or valeting. The device leaves no trace of its installation, and will not alter the appearance of your vehicle in any way.

Car Specialist Customs offers a reliable and high-quality ghost imobiliser to protect your vehicle from theft. Our team will provide you with no-cost estimates and install your ghost immobiliser whenever it is suitable for your needs.

No Damage to Your Car

Unlike many other car security solutions, the ghost immobiliser isn't a cause of damage to your vehicle. It is installed inside the engine block and connects to the CAN data network to prevent it from starting without the correct PIN code being entered. It is a small, weatherproof device that cannot be seen by the naked eye. It is quiet and doesn't have an indicator LED and transmits no radio signals. This means that thieves will not be able to identify it or locate it. It is a highly efficient method to stop car thefts as it is almost undetectable. The device can be activated either by the owner of the vehicle or by the ghost immobiliser installer.

It is simple to change the PIN code at any time, so that only you will know the exact number. You can also use the device in "service valet mode" when you need to turn off the device so that your car can be restarted for maintenance or an MOT. The immobiliser won't be disabled and can be activated by entering your PIN code. This feature also means that you can take your car to an auto repair shop or valet service for servicing or cleaning, and the ghost immobiliser won't be activated, allowing you to return to the road quickly and easily.

Ghost immobilisers are a common option for those who wish to secure their vehicle even more. It can be fitted to nearly any type of vehicle, ensuring there is no chance of it being stolen. It is a secure, cost-effective and highly effective solution to prevent theft of cars, and it can be particularly beneficial to those who own high-end or prestige cars.

Put an immobiliser ghost in your vehicle to safeguard it from theft and improve its resale price. This is because thieves are more likely to target vehicles with a premium or premium brand name attached. Installing a ghost immobiliser can increase the value of your vehicle by as much as 20 percent and will give you peace of mind knowing that your car is safe.